Become an expert in your period.

The key to easier periods is understanding the underlying root cause of your hormonal imbalances.

Once you understand how your hormones work, you are able to employ the efficient and effective tools I used for myself and hundreds of other menstruators.

There is no gatekeeping here, I am giving you everything I know about periods and hormones backed by hundreds of scientific case studies.

are you ready?

Period University™ will not only teach you how to fix your PMS and have easier periods, but will teach you the miracle that is the inner workings of your hormones, how delicate the balance is, and how to love your period.

Easier periods could be just a few cycles away!

This course is for you if you are suffering with:

  • period pain

  • PCOS or endometriosis

  • PMS or PMDD

  • irregular or absent periods

  • mood swings

  • cyclical migraines or headaches

  • unstable energy levels

  • bloating and digestive issues

  • high stress

  • sleep problems

In this comprehensive, evidenced based course, you are going to learn about the different hormones involved in menstrual cycles and how they affect your body. You will also discover how to balance these hormones naturally through proper diet, exercise, supplement strategies, stress management, and other lifestyle factors.

By the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of your hormones and how to support them in a holistic way. You will also have the tools and knowledge needed to manage your periods and PMS symptoms naturally, so you can feel your best every day of your menstrual cycle.

Knowledge is power. The key to unlocking lasting hormonal harmony is becoming an expert in your period.

 course syllabus

  • In this unit we cover common myths about your period, why period problems are so common, the hormones that influence the menstrual cycle (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol), how to identify and treat estrogen dominance/excess, healthy and unhealthy cortisol curves, the phases of the menstrual cycle (menstruation, follicular, ovulation, luteal), how thyroid hormones work and how to support them, which hormones to get tested and when, and what a healthy period looks like.

  • In this unit we cover the truth about hormonal contraception, what your cycle is like after you stop birth control, the side effects of the birth control pill, non hormonal birth control options, how to use the fertility awareness method, how to track your menstrual cycle, how to identify fertile and infertile cervical mucus, how to treat cervical dysplasia, how to chart and decode your basal body temperature.

  • In this unit we cover what inflammation is and where it comes from, how inflammation affects your period and hormones, how to reduce inflammation, why keeping your blood sugar stable is so important for inflammation, my top tips for stable blood sugar, what your gut health has to do with your hormones and period, signs of poor gut health, common gut disorders (SIBO, IBS), the estrobolome, what gut dysbiosis and leaky gut really means and how to treat it, why gut testing can be useful and who should get tested.

  • In this unit we cover, what your liver does and how to support it, the 3 phases of estrogen detoxification and what you can do to help each phase, how environmental toxins affect our hormones and period, the main toxins we need to be aware of, and ways you can reduce environmental toxin exposure.

  • In this unit we cover how to treat heavy periods, light periods, spotting, irregular periods, absent periods, high prolactin, painful periods, painful ovulation, and vulvar pain.

  • In this unit we cover how to treat PCOS, ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, and perimenopause.

  • In this unit we cover histamine intolerance, the causes of PMS, the different types of PMS, the difference between PMS and PMDD, how to balance estrogen and progesterone levels, supplements for PMS, diet and lifestyle factors to reduce PMS symptoms, how to treat premenstrual acne, breast tenderness, migraines, fatigue, and cravings.

  • In this unit we cover the benefits of protein, fats, and carbohydrates, the keto diet, sugar, intermittent fasting, dairy, gluten, alcohol, caffeine, food sensitivities, elimination diets, and basic traditional Chinese medicine diet principles.

  • In this unit we cover how to exercise for hormone balance, how to improve your sleep, supplements for hormone balance, what stress does to your hormones and how to reduce stress, the four pillars of health, how to implement healthy strategies, how to talk to your doctor about your period problems.

  • In this unit we cover, how to start cycle syncing, how to sync your diet/lifestyle/exercise with menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase, menstruation as a spiritual practice, and menstruation through the lens of traditional Chinese medicine.

You deserve to have easy periods and to feel good every day of your menstrual cycle.


  • This course is for all menstruators, whether you have just started your period or it’s been a part of your life for decades, whether or not you identify as a woman, for people of all cultures, religions, sexualities, and gender identities.

  • Nope! You can take however long you want to complete the course and you will have the information forever. I recommend taking one or two units per week. Each unit is roughly 30-60 minutes. Most students will finish the course in 8-10 weeks.

  • This course is self-paced for independent learning. If you would like to work with me directly, you can book a 1:1 coaching session.

  • In total, the course has just over 6 hours of video lessons.

I’m Allison, a stage 3 endowarrior, who has suffered with her fair share of period problems for more years than I’m willing to admit.

Like so many other menstruators, I struggled with how to help my debilitating period pain, irregular cycles, and horrific PMS. I experimented with so many diets, supplements, and modalities that either didn’t work or just made things worse.

I’m a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and an Integrated Health Practitioner. I’ve used my 10+ years studying and working in holistic and reproductive health to create the course I truly needed to gain a better understanding of how to fix my period.

I’m teaching you the exact protocol I use in my Acupuncture and Health Coaching practice that has helped hundreds of menstruators gain freedom from their period problems.